Ministry Areas  

 Our church life is divided into the following Ministry Areas:


Covering our Sunday services, including the sung worship, preaching, AV, communion.
Overseen by the Vicar, Nick Gowers.


Responsible for the aspects of church life that help us grow together as followers of Jesus, including Growth Groups, Side-by-Side ministries, pastoral visiting and leadership development.
Overseen by Yvonne Binder


This area is responsible for our outward facing ministries including our evangelistic courses, misison support and the work we do engaging with our community as we seek to help others find hope and love together with us in Jesus. Overseen by Ben Somervell.


Responsible for our work among children, both on Sundays and 


Responsible for our work among youth, including our Sunday groups and mid-week groups. Overseen by Charles Hindley


Responsible for all the activities and tasks that support the running of the church family, including administration, cleaning, building maintenance and development.


Nick Gowers, 03/10/2017