Safeguarding info 


If you have a safeguarding concern about the welfare of a child, young person or adult, you can contact one of the following:

Rachel Ford, Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO)
07882 708673

Nick Gowers, Vicar
01384 411592 ext. 205

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
If you have concerns about the immediate safety of someone please don’t delay in ringing the Police on 999 or Children or Adult Services:

  • Dudley Adult and Children’s Social Care - 0300 555 0055 (out of hours 0300 555 8574)
  • Sandwell Adult Social Care - Adult 0121 569 2266 (out of hours 0121 569 2355)
  • Sandwell Children’s Social Care – 0121 569 3100
  • West Midlands Police – 101 

If you have any concerns about a church leader you can contact the PSO or a church warden or one of the following who are both independent of Holy Trinity

To find out more about how we support safeguarding at Holy Trinity, you can check out our policy documents:

Other Useful Resources
Childline   0800 1111
Safe Spaces
Worcester Diocese safeguarding 

Page Last Update: 24/02/2025