
Jesus came for everyone and we want everyone to find the hope and love in Jesus that we have found.
That is why one of our family mottos is "Looking out, reaching out, going out."
So here are some of the things we do to connect with you and, we hope, connect you to Jesus.
Trinity Treasures (toddler group)
Food bank
Annual Lights Switch On
Welcome Space
For those who are wanting to explore what it means to follow Jesus we run termly sessions that help you do that in a way that lets you be you and ask any questions you want, or just sit back and take it in. These start in September, January and May of each year. These are ideal if you are:
wanting to find out who Jesus is and what it might mean to follow him
returning to the Christian faith after a bit of a break
exploring baptism for you or your child
wanting a refresher on what Christians believe