To Give -

Giving to the work of Holy Trinity Church

Thank you for considering giving to Holy Trinity. We are hugely grateful for your support and especially your prayers.

There are various ways of giving:

- Direct Debit via the Parish Giving Scheme Parish Giving Scheme. This is by far the best way for giving and we encourage everyone to consider using it either for regular or one-off giving.

- By BACS / Internet transfer.- this is also a good option for one-off giving: please contact us in the church office for the details.

- Standing Order

- Directly through this website below (please note that there is a card processing fee of 1.9%)

If you would like more information, please contact us through our usual contact details.

All gifts are to Holy Trinity Old Hill Parochial Church Council (registered charity no. 1130291) for general church purposes.

Nick Gowers, 23/04/2020