Introducing God - If you want to know God you have to meet him! 

Introducing God Graphic

What is Introducing God:
Its a 12 session course that hopes to do exactly that Introduce you to God.

Who can come:
Anyone is the short answer - but the course is very helpful for anyone who wants a refresher of the Christian faith, anyone who believes but does not go to Church or anyone who doesn't believe and just wants to know a bit more.  It would be great to have you from the start but you can join at any time.

How does it work:
Its a 12 session course, running weekly (usually!) across Monday evenings here at Holy Trinity Church.  The first session is on Monday 13th January 2025.  The session starts at 7pm and ends around 8.30pm.  People arrive around 7pm we have light refreshments then we sit down and watch a video typically around 30mins.  Then we discuss the content of the video.  Its a very relaxed environment and you can ask anything - the leaders will do their best to help

How much does it cost:
Its free!

How do I find out more?:
Download the pdf here